Sat 27 Apr 2024 - 18 Shawwal 1445AH
Prayer الصلاةFajr الفجرSunrise الشروقZuhr الظهرAsr العصرMaghrib المغربIsha العشاء
Begins الأذان4:00 am5:36 am1:03 pm4:58 pm8:21 pm9:33 pm
Jamā‘ah الإقامة4:20 am1:30 pm5:18 pm8:28 pm9:45 pm
Sat 27 Apr 2024 - 18 Shawwal 1445AH
Prayer الصلاة Begins الأذان Jamā‘ah الإقامة
Fajr الفجر4:00 am 4:20 am
Sunrise الشروق5:36 am
Zuhr الظهر1:03 pm 1:30 pm
Asr العصر4:58 pm 5:18 pm
Maghrib المغرب8:21 pm 8:28 pm
Isha العشاء9:33 pm 9:45 pm


These numbers are for the old mosque building prior to Covid-19 restrictions. An updated capacity will be provided here for the whole mosque including the new building once restrictions are lifted and we can have a normal capacity.

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم


Our Mission

These numbers are for the old mosque building prior to Covid-19 restrictions. An updated capacity will be provided here for the whole mosque including the new building once restrictions are lifted and we can have a normal capacity.