Thu 25 Apr 2024 - 16 Shawwal 1445AH
Prayer الصلاةFajr الفجرSunrise الشروقZuhr الظهرAsr العصرMaghrib المغربIsha العشاء
Begins الأذان4:05 am5:40 am1:04 pm4:57 pm8:18 pm9:31 pm
Jamā‘ah الإقامة4:25 am1:30 pm5:17 pm8:25 pm9:45 pm
Thu 25 Apr 2024 - 16 Shawwal 1445AH
Prayer الصلاة Begins الأذان Jamā‘ah الإقامة
Fajr الفجر4:05 am 4:25 am
Sunrise الشروق5:40 am
Zuhr الظهر1:04 pm 1:30 pm
Asr العصر4:57 pm 5:17 pm
Maghrib المغرب8:18 pm 8:25 pm
Isha العشاء9:31 pm 9:45 pm
  1. A teaching circle with more than two people in GIC has to be preapproved by the education subcommittee.
  2. Nobody is allowed to teach in GIC unless they have been approved by the education subcommittee.
  3. Any teaching materials that are used by teachers at GIC needs to be approved by the education subcommittee.
  4. Any teachings that spread hatred, enmity or prejudice are strictly forbidden at GIC.